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Global Learning Coursework


African civilizations

In this course, I was taken through African History from thousands of years ago up until current times. We studied ancient scripts and practices. We learned about their established governments and how these were very damaged by the slave trade. We explored the different cultural influences that countries around Africa have experienced since, about many brave individuals during the apartheid, and poetry written around this time. We learned about other major recent events, such as the Joola capsize in 2002. Lastly, we dove into current popular African music in English, Spanish, and many other languages. 

American history since 1877

While this is an American history course, we learned in depth about America's influence on the rest of the world. Starting with the battles between the United States army and indigenous warriors, we went into the United States expansion and the booming railroad industry. We also explored civil laws from the textbook perspective and then also from the perspective of recently freed slaves that were still experiencing significant cruelty. We then explored both world wars from many perspectives and learned about all the smaller wars that were taking place during this time as well. We then extensively studied the cold war and completed our final analytical essay diving into the the purpose of this war which is heavily debated on even today.

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Intro to Marketing

This course was very educational on the current global state of business. We studied different cultural approaches through frameworks such as Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory. We also studied why global businesses such as Disney and Coca Cola either failed or succeeded when establishing their businesses abroad. We learned about the importance of research and local understanding due to different practices around the world as well as language differences. We also researched current supply chain crises and how globalized business is today. This was particulary beneficial to understand during the covid-19 bottlenecks we continue to experience. 

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